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  • plcurban

Back to Center

Updated: Oct 30, 2023

In case you hadn’t noticed, the world is out of balance.

Mother nature is demanding that we change our living habits one way or another. Either we work diligently and quickly to set things back as they were or we adapt to the extremes in weather, realizing that the plants and animals are also adapting.

Humanity is out of balance. It’s not the first time nor will it be the last that there is a human struggle for dominance over each other.

How do we find peace in our daily lives during such chaos? Some folks seem to be able to float above it all, never letting it touch their souls. Others find that prayer, meditation, keeping busy, nature, reading, exercising, even the darkness of depression will allow escape. (If you are dealing with depression, please, please don't hesitate to reach out for help and support.)

I have used many of these methods to cope, but it seems that for me, the best lessons are taught by little children. The world is fresh and new to them. Everything is a wonder to be explored. Focus can be intense or fleeting which are both ok. As long as their basic needs are met, they are free to engage with whatever comes into their view. Life is magical through the eyes of children. Dandelion fluff sails on the breeze, Green buds turn into colorful flowers and rocks sparkle in the sun. Fluffy white clouds make wondrous shapes and the breezes whisper secrets in little ears. When a child is allowed to just be, they are in the moment and notice everything around them. Being in the moment is something many adults forget to do.

How do we get back to center when things are in such chaos around us? Try thinking about the delights of childhood. Blowing bubbles is not only fun and magical, it also encourages us to breathe. Scented playdough keeps our hands busy, engages our creativity and imagination as we make different shapes and the smells help keep us focused. A quiet walk around the block (no phones please) can be a bouquet of magic. Birds, bunnies, squirrels, flowers, trees, leaves that crunch, cracks in the sidewalk, a gentle breeze, maybe the sound of water from a fountain or a stream, all help to bring us into the moment.

I come back to center when I use all of my senses to engage with simple wonders. I unplug from electronics, walk away from the noise of the adult world, and breathe.

Wishing you peace.



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